Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Book That Eats People, by John Perry - reviewed by Squirt

What, did nobody take any time off during the holidays? We came back from just a few days of the library being closed and had a mountain of posts to read from non-slacking bloggers. To make matters worse, everyone had either posted some really great "best of the year" lists, or linked to the Cybils short lists, so we spent a couple days making order cards (in between the undecorating). We are unworthy as bloggers, but ready to get back into the swing of things with some really great books that have been waiting for our reviews.

Today, from Tricycle Press we have:

From the jacket cover:


Legend has it there exists a book that eats people.

This is that book!

Many readers have been unable to escape its perilous pages.
But this isn't that book.

Yes it is!
This is simply a story about that book.
Really. I mean, how could a book eat people?
So if you're just dying to know the history of this literary monster, all you have to do is turn the page...

Don't do it!

Unfortunately, that text is only on the jacket cover, so it gets lost if the jacket is removed. The inside cover has some great illustrations by Mark Fearing, though - a collage of sketches, stamps, and bloody warnings stapled and taped in. This style and hysterically macabre theme are carried on throughout the book. I mean, even Perry and fearing's NAMES become teeth on the front cover!

The first few pages remind you that "This is NOT a storybook. It is NOT a book of rhymes." It is also NOT a book to give to kids whose parents prefer fhem reading light, fluffy stories about puppies and princesses to their children. It IS a book to give to kids whose parents have a sense of humor. It is twisted and demented and I absolutely loved it!


  1. Wow, so good to come upon your post today! (always a pleasure to encounter three turtles - and your librarian, too). I am the author of an award-winning book, now being published in seven countries. "Turtle Wisdom: Coming Home to Yourself" is an adult book, considered inspirational/motivational. Have you heard of it, fellow wise shells?

    We also have a new one out for girls. "Ohelia's Oracle: Discovering the Healthy, Happy, Self-Aware, and Confident girl in the Mirror." That one won three national awards in its first three months. Both have received the Mom's Choice Award.

    Feel free to contact me at if I can share further. . . great to see you are venturing out this way!

    May the shell be with you,

  2. I've seen only positive reviews of this book but this one gave me a better picture for the feel of it. Thanks for the review!

  3. I never envy those whose job it is to make a dust jacket interesting... but heck, I'm tempted to go find this book just because of what you posted from it! Thanks for that. :)

  4. It's a great book! Thank you for sharing.
