Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Product Review: Nostalgia Electrics Cotton Candy Maker

Yum. Yumyumyumyumyum. Did we say yum?

We wanted a cotton candy machine, but were not looking forward to messes of sugar and constant purchasing of flavoring, etc. This one promised you could use hard candy, but didn't say how much - would we be going through handfuls for each serving? We decided to take a chance, and when it arrived, the staff tested it out.

And tested it.

And tested it.

Yes, this candy works, but what about this one? And this one? And does every single flavor work? We have to be sure, you know:)

Needless to say, it works great! It only takes two pieces of hard candy to spin a respectable serving size, and the kids had fun mixing and matching flavors (cinnagrape, anyone?)  The machine comes with two plastic cones, so rather than buy a million cardboard ones to be thrown away afterward, we just slid each portion onto a plate. It works best when you let it warm up first. It cools down again very quickly, which is good for safety. Oh, and do wait until it has stopped spinning to add the next candy - those turtles who are a little impatient will have it thrown right back at them (within the container, though, so you don't have to worry about Death by Jolly Rancher).

The kids were fascinated with how simple it was to use, and asked all sorts of questions that led to scientific discussions of centrifugal force - and these were the teens! Nostalgia may want to bump up production, as quite a few are planning to ask for one of their own. A good selling point for moms: you can use sugar free candy. Or coffee flavored candy. Use whichever point would work best on your particular Mom!

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